BNB Prime Universe

Information Technology BNB Prime is opening software development facilities in Dubai, UAE with a focus on AI along with Blockchain development for future ready technologies

Metaverse Development BNB Prime is going big on metaverse development. Virtual cities with shopping spaces, space travel, metaverse icons and avatars, all encompassed in our metaverse development will provide our stakeholders a share of the pie and make profits.

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Real Estate

BNB Prime is combining state-of-the-art Real Estate deveolpment with AI and tech to build a mega Digital City in UAE and India. BNB Prime token will find one of its use case scenario once the digital city is completed.

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Gaming & NFTs

BNB Prime is dedicated to change and is betting big on the Gaming and NFT markets with its development teams working on metaverse ready games and NFTs for various industry types ranging from music to arts to sports and space travel.

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